魔物獵人 維基
{{{Chinese Name}}}
日文 デルクス
英文 Delex
韓文 델쿠스
怪物品種 魚龍種
自身屬性 None
異常攻擊 Waterblight
Severe Waterblight
屬性相剋 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon Water
虛弱表現 None
招牌動作 Sand Spit, Bite
棲息地 Sandy Plains, Great Desert, Dunes
體積大小 Small
相關魔物 None
次世代 Third

Delex are small Piscine Wyverns that are fish-like in appearance, sporting long dorsal fins and reptilian-like snouts lined with sharp teeth.

MH4-Delex Render 001

Abilities[ | ]

They have, like the Cephalos, the ability to "swim" through sand and even expel small sand blasts from their mouth at attackers. These blasts may occasionally inflict Waterblight. Due to their nimbleness they are difficult to hit with slower weapons. Several appear in the fights with Jhen Mohran and Dah'ren Mohran, jumping onto the boat and attacking Hunters that get in their way. Delex hunt in small groups of six or seven individuals and likely prey upon small animals. They also scavenge off the remains left by larger desert-dwelling monsters, such as Jhen Mohran.

Game Appearances[ | ]

Chronological Appearances
首次出現於歐美版 首次出現於日本版 最後出現於版本
Logo-MH3 JP Logo-MH3 JP (2009) Logo-MH4U (2015)

In-Game Description[ | ]

Monster Hunter 3
MH3-Delex Icon Carnivorous monsters that inhabit deserts. Delex always travel in schools of five or six. When near large monsters on a hunt, they attempt to surround the prey and scavenge food. Known to flee if other Delex are injured.
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
MHP3-Delex Icon 砂漠地帯に生息する肉食モンスター。常に4~5匹の群れで行動する。大型のモンスターが狩りをする場に居合わせるとその獲物を取り囲むように泳ぎだし、獲物を追い詰め、おこぼれにあずかろうとする。音には敏感なため音爆弾などで一網打尽にできる。
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
MH3U-Delex Icon Carnivorous desert monsters that often travel in schools of four or five. When near large monsters on the hunt, they will attempt to surround the prey and scavenge feed. Their aural sensitivity makes them weak against Sonic Bombs.
Monster Hunter 4
MH4-Delex Icon 砂漠地帯に生息する肉食モンスター。 4~5匹の群れで行動する。 大型のモンスターが狩りをする場に居合わせて、おこぼれにあずかろうとする。 砂上船で狩りを行う際、時折船の上に飛び乗ってくることも。 音には非常に敏感。
Threat Level (危険度): ★★
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
MH4-Delex Icon Carnivorous desert monsters that travel in schools of four or five. Delex often follow large predators in the hope of scavenging leftovers, and have even been known to hitch rides on hunting sandskiffs. They are extremely sensitive to sound.
Threat Level (危険度): ★★

Notes[ | ]

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